995 miles apart

Bespoke brand box designed for a 21st birthday celebration between friends 995 miles apart.

Beyond Borders: The Unbreakable Bond Of The Famous Five!

In today’s fast-paced world, meaningful connections are more important than ever.

The Famous FiveHerdie, Ben, Freddie, Alex, and Charlie – are a testament to the enduring power of friendship. Despite meeting at Warwick School in the noughties and now pursuing different paths, their bond remains unbreakable.

Wot No Party?

A conundrum arose on how to celebrate Herdie’s recent 21st birthday. With each friend scattered between various universities and one on placement in Germany, a traditional celebration seemed impossible. But they came up with a brilliant solution that epitomized the modern agea Zoom call!


As the date approached, excitement grew, but The Famous Five had a surprise in store. They wanted to enhance the virtual celebration with something tangible, bridging the gap between screens. They decided on personalized 21st Birthday branded boxes, each tailored to reflect their individuality around a common theme.

Inside the boxes, they included three craft beers, with Birra MorettiHerdie’s favorite– taking center stage. To make it even more special, each friend received an engraved beer glass with their name, serving as a lasting memento. And to complete the experience, a selection of packed snacks were snuggly packed inside, adding to the feast.

Unboxing Immeasurable Joy

When The Famous Five received their personalized boxes, the joy was immeasurable. Unboxing those treasures brought them closer together, transcending the physical distance that separated them. The tangible nature of the gift transformed a virtual gathering into a real and unforgettable experience.

Mix It Up!

This celebration highlights the power of modern-day communication and the importance of regular contact with friends, family and clients. In a world dominated by technology, nurturing relationships becomes essential. The act of giving something unique and bespoke is invaluable. It showcases the effort and thoughtfulnessinvested in honoring a special occasion. The Famous Five recognized the significance of creating a tailored experience, one that would make their friend feel cherished and loved. Their gift went beyond material possessions – it became a symbol of their enduring friendship.

Building Unbreakable Bonds

This wonderful story illustrates the importance of regular contact, and the impact of personalized gestures. In a world where physical distances can separate us, it is these moments that remind us of the unbreakable bonds we share. Let us cherish our connections, celebrate milestones, and never underestimate the transformative power of a thoughtful and unique gift.

Many thanks to: Herdie, Ben, Freddie, Alex and Charlie for sharing their story.

Here’s to making friends and having fun!

Looking For A Special Client Gift?

If you’re looking for that perfect client gift, or want to stand out with packaging that reinforces brand recall and amplifies your brand, we’d love to be part of your team! Just get in touch to have a chat to find out how we can help.