It’s mid Summer, England are out of the European Championships, Brexit has occurred, there’s a lack of direction in the country from our political leaders and June was a wash out, one of the wettest on record. That sounds a little negative and down beat doesn’t it?
Unfortunately, there may be worse to come… you might feel frustrated that your brand or company image has lost its vim and vigour, your staff energy levels may be running low and your sales are in dire need of a re-charge or boost, but you don’t know where or who to turn to?

Is this the time to bite the bullet, revitalise and refocus your brand?

Back in 2004 we placed an advert in a local magazine that was distributed to local businesses in the Leamington Spa, Warwick and Kenilworth areas. At the time our look was quite literally that of a black and white friesian cow. Our advert was bordered with that abstract pattern and fortunately for us was mistaken for camouflage by a local supplier of defence and related equipment to various governments and select agencies worldwide.

United Scientific Instruments was founded in 1964 under the guidance of the then managing director Peter Levene (he later became defence procurement adviser to the Minister of Defence and was eventually elevated to Chief of Defence Procurement) who established the organisation as one that could be depended upon to supply impartial advice to user’s requirements, through quality support and the cost effective and timely supply of equipment. Early successes meant that USI grew substantially through the acquisition of a number of defence manufacturing companies whose primary activities were centred around the design, development and manufacture of equipment. USI continued on, becoming the focal point within the group for sales, marketing and contract administration.

Let’s fast forward to 2004. Our advert was spotted, we engaged with the client and found that there was a requirement to update their corporate brochure. It needed to look, not only high end, but have the functionality of a folder, whereby it could be loaded with specific case study fact sheets tailored to a specific client. It was required to stand out from the crowd and have the magnetism to attract the attention of defence and government procurement staff attending trade shows and security related conferences.

With projects like this there is a temptation to encourage the client to make changes to the look of their logo and cajole them into partially redesigning their corporate identity which ultimately impacts on the other corporate assets they have or marketing activities they are using at that time.

At Moo Design we refrain from doing that.
At Moo Design, we listen and question our clients so that we understand what it is that they require, what the future holds and where their aspirations lie. We then create design ideas and visual strategy – solutions to client’s problem, (not issues we historically think you might have), present and agree the design and then implement the idea. Simple stuff!

We inherited a strong USI corporate logo, definitive colours – grey and burgundy and a scientific, linear effect styling across all product and location photography. We utilised these assets and devised a landscape corporate brochure/folder with capacity for the twelve double sided fact sheets, which all perfectly mirrored and complimented their existing website.

The challenges were:
• To take interesting and compulsive product shots to interest and engage the viewer
• To design quick and easy information for the reader to understand and digest
• To assimilate these two elements – images and copy – into a regimented format that was engaging enough to make the reader realise the significance of that particular product, its features and benefits, over and above that of the competition.

To give the job a high quality look and pukka feel, it was litho printed and then for durability and sustainability purposes all elements were matt laminated with certain areas on the folder, front and back covers, being spot varnished for notoriety.

The client was delighted with the finished product which they then used as a selling tool at the various events they attended here in the UK and abroad. Following on from that we won contracts to design and implement other fact sheets on other products which perfectly complimented the original ones in the folder. Since then we have provided exhibition materials (stand design and leaflets) for USI’s latest rifle sight technology – SUSAT.

As a CEO or a business owner do you feel concerned that your brand’s battery levels are faltering and that you’re in need of a burst of creative energy to revitalise your corporate look and prospecting activities? If you find yourself in this situation, then please feel comfortable in contacting us on the form below and we’ll see if we can realign you and get you back on target.