It’s all over… The heat and excitement of Summer has gone, the days are drawing in and the light is fading fast. Surely, it’s not your brand, your company, that’s faltering or flickering in the twilight too is it?

For those ambitious, go-getting businesses now is the time to flick that switch, turn all the ‘marketing lights’ on and generate as much interest and sales for your company as you can in the run up to Christmas and the end of the calendar year. So let’s get moving…

Whoa! Caution. Red light. Stop. I may have had an oversight here…

The Simple Minds song – ‘Glittering Prize’ says “Shine On, Shine the Light on me…”

So, just for a minute, let us shine the light on you. As a business owner you might feel frustrated that you haven’t got that marketing material to send out to prospective customers or your existing clients. Alternatively, you and your team might be just so busy that you can not see the wood from the trees and there is no time to look forward and make sure that your pipeline of work for the future is filling up? Worst still you might feel anxious or in despair that your sales have dried up completely and your batteries are exhausted.

Don’t worry, help is at hand.
At Moo Design our culture is brandology for business owners with a hold your hand ethos. What does that mean? Well, we work with business owners to gain their ‘glittering prize’ by creating design ideas and visual strategy for their brand and implementing solutions that ensure their company is in the spot light and has growing pipelines of work.

In the case of Weetabix their in-house design team were over flowing with work and unable to handle anymore. So in the Summer of 1998 they approached us and asked us to design two marketing campaigns for their Frutibix breakfast cereal brand.

The first was for a Mini Maglite Torch Offer.
The brief was fairly simple. They would provide the background imagery for all sides of their Frutibix cereal box,
all we had to do was:

• Photograph the Mini Maglite Torches, along with the assets and presentation boxes they came in
• Devise and write engaging headline and body copy illuminating the attributes of the giveaway torches
• Design an easy to understand and use order form
• Converge both copy and imagery to promote the brand item and promotional product offer, inside and outside of the box

This included flashes to the front, and top of the box, full colour imagery, text, and prices blended with product shots on the reverse. Two internal sides were printed in single colour – black with the product offer information and ordering process. The end result giving the consumer a clear, concise offer of a useful, quality product and in turn raising the profile and stature of the Frutibix brand.

Weetabix were impressed with the campaign as their sales for Frutibix lit up 7% for the half year, this included our Mini Maglite Torch and Kodak Advantix Camera offers.

Would you as a business owner or CEO benefit from the spotlight being shone on your brand? Does seeing and conceiving a clear path and pipeline of work for the forthcoming year interest you? Or is 2017 going to be ‘just another year’ where you stumble along in the dark, slowly inching towards your retirement? If you would like to embrace change, create some sustainability for you and your brand offering it might be worth getting in touch with us.

Now is the time to re-charge your batteries and surge into 2017 leaving the damp squibs behind.